Thursday, July 9, 2009

Random Thoughts

stay at home for 1 whole morning during a school day makes me think quite a lot...

-sometimes i'm better off ALONE...but only sometimes..
felt inadequate..eager and desperate to get out of my comfort zone
-still have A LOT things to work on n to improve
-smiling is VERY important, more than you can imagine
-i wanna learn photoshop
-i'm actually strong enough to do what i want to, if i'm determined enough
-putting on a facade is cruel, yet essential..but i'm weak in it, but still working on it
-too many 'buts' gets to our way to our goals, too many excuses
-blog is not a good place to pour your soul in feelings into it...coz its public, n privatized blog just make the blog even pointless
-life is a journey, a chance, a privilage...
-we live to learn, instead of learn to live...
-i'm obsessed to articles related to life analogy instead of add maths these days..
-i prefer to 'discover' philosophies in random articles rather than read a 'Book of Philosophies'
-life is indeed hard, unpredicable, non-lasting, full of challenges, and incredibly short...but that's what make us appreciate life if u want anything in your life, just go for it...there might not be a second chance at all..
-so much for a sick day, analysing life whole morning=.=
- if we could really 'analyse' life like written in 'The Secret' , our lives would be perfect..
-but an interesting life is made up of  all imperfections joined together=]
-i should find a way to hide my anxieties, worries n fear for things
-in another words, train up an invulnerable facade...
and shut up in some circumstences
-too much talking without filtrating it beforehand gets me into trouble
-like dis stupid post, i've made my points clear as crystal, n i'm repeating it again
-people are not stupid, they get the point when u tel them for the very first time
-and that's why we dislike pn.p...hmmm...
-actually dis post is a LOT of crap, in other words, common sense..
-i just want to make the points clear to myself
-so this post is actually a reference to my own rather than to u guys
-sorry if u read it n find it utterly pointless
-shit, i forgot to shut up again=.=
-so i better just log off
-sometimes people're better off ALONE, without me.. just sometimes =]


1 comment:

Crystal :) said...

1)facades are NOT me i know best..
2)we are NOT better of without you..
3)you do NOT hide your face them!!
(did i give you a book for ur bday ar?)
